Sunday, 19 May 2013

Summary of the main areas of science!


BIOLOGY- The one that you get to cut up (or dissect if you want the scientific term) living organisms to inspect the inner contents. It's quite gross, and it may contain ALOT of blood. Oh, and it also relates to the anatomy of the human body, where you are told to research about different organs, systems, muscles and bones (and also diseases, which is linked to microbiology) that are within (Oh, and if you are researching about the brain, that is called neurobiology or neurology) the anatomy.

PHYSICS- Like I said before, it's like maths, but with the risk that you could electrocute yourself. However, there are some quite cool things in physics. Thermal energy (LOTS OF FIRE!), Hydroelectricity (ALOT OF WATER!) and, um... that's about it. It is very useful, but unless you want to be like Sheldon Cooper, I would not take it too seriously.

CHEMISTRY- The big daddy of all sciences. This is where you can mix things together to see what will happen, and how it happens. You get to use metals, gases, acids, alkaline, carbonates, phosphates etc... plus, if you are really lucky, you might be able to look at a couple of poisons that won't kill you (hopefully...)
If it goes right, it can be absolutely awesome. If it goes wrong... well, it goes wrong. But that's what science is about though! Not the small risk of getting killed, but the chance to try it again. That's what an experiment is- trial and error. Just don't ever wear hairspray near a Bunsen burner...

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